Automated External Defibrillators Save Lives!

Does your group or organization need an AED?

Tell me about AED training for my workplace.

Please contact me about scheduling AED training.


Every minute of every day, sudden cardiac arrest (which often leads to heart attack) claims another victim. A heart attack occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the heart become blocked, the flow of blood which carries oxygen to width= the heart is slowed or stopped, and the muscle fibers contract chaotically rather than in synch with each other as they normally do.How defibrillators work
Manual defibrillators work by giving the heart a controlled electric shock, forcing all the heart muscles to contract at once, and, hopefully jolting it back into a regular rhythm.Historically, only trained medical professionals were able to interpret the heart rhythms on manual defibrillator devices. However, today’s new Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) use embedded computer chips to analyze the rhythms instantly and accurately, making it possible for non-medical professionals to administer the same vital service without risking an accidental shock.Red Cross offers AED training
The Red Cross will train you and your employees in the use of AEDs at your site when it is convenient for you. You may schedule AED training with CPR (4.5 hours) or with CPR and first aid (7.5 hours). This comprehensive course includes:

  • Thorough, interactive training on the proper use of AEDs
  • Interactive training and certification in adult CPR
  • Intensive practice scenarios
  • A unique skills card enabling employees to continue practicing the after course completion
  • Detailed, OSHA-compliant first aid instruction if desired

Designed especially for business and industry, the Red Cross’ Workplace Training will teach you and your co-workers the most vital skills needed to save the life of a sudden cardiac arrest victim.Call us today at 410-764-4609 for additional information or contact us via email.