World War II and Holocaust Tracing Services

The Red Cross reunites families separated because of war and natural disasters. Central Maryland Red Cross is the headquarters for a unique tracing service for the victims of the Holocaust and World War II. The Holocaust and War Victims Tracing and Information Center (HWVTIC) acts as a national clearing house for inquiries made by people separated from family and friends during the Nazi reign of terror in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union (1933 – 1957).

Volunteers and staff at the Center coordinate with local Red Cross chapters throughout the country, and with Red Cross societies throughout the world, to help individuals looking for answers regarding the fate of lost loved ones and/or to obtain proof of internment necessary for reparations. The Center, located in Baltimore, works closely with the International Tracing Center (ITS) in Arolsen, Germany. Administered by the International Committee of the Red Cross, ITS has archived 64 million documents containing original information regarding the more than 17 million people affected by the Holocaust and World War II.

For information on filing an inquiry with the Holocaust Center, please call 410- 764-5311 or send us email with your specific questions.

Your support is needed! To help ensure the continued provision of essential Holocaust Tracing Center services, click here for our secure online donation form, and select Holocaust Tracing Center under “Designate Funds”.

The Holocaust Center is largely staffed by volunteers, many of them Holocaust survivors. For more information on the Center, please call 410- 764-5311.

Visit the US Holocaust Memorial Museum site.

Central Maryland Chapter Rededicates the Holocaust Tracing Center to Honor a Great Man, Alfred Himmelrich, Jr.

If you would like more information on becoming a volunteer with Holocaust Center, click here.