Your Transaction is Confidential and Secure!

How Safe Is A Credit Card Transaction Over The Internet?

In a 1996 Washington Post article, David Medine of the Federal Trade Commission advised that it is much safer to transmit your credit card number over the Internet than to give it to a waiter/waitress at a restaurant, or read it aloud over a cordless phone. To date, AT&T’s Universal Card division has not received a single report of credit card numbers being stolen over the Internet.

Go to the Credit Card Donation Form.

The Red Cross Provides Additional Security
To further insure the confidentiality and security of your credit card and personal information, the Red Cross has implemented the highest level of security available with Verisign Secure Software. To protect you from fraud, Verisign software encrypts all the information you send to us via the Internet preventing it from being read or intercepted during transit. Financial information goes directly into our Financial Development department for processing. This information is never made available to anyone else.

Go to the Credit Card Donation Form.