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Code of Conduct

All volunteers and employees of the American Red Cross, in delivering Red Cross services and in all other Red Cross activities, shall meet the following standards of conduct:

No volunteer or employee shall:

a) Authorize the use of or use for the benefit or advantage of any person, the name, emblem, endorsement, services, or property of the American Red Cross, except in conformance with American Red Cross policy.

b) Accept or seek on behalf of any person, any financial advantage or gain of other than nominal value offered as a result of the volunteer's or employee’s affiliation with the American Red Cross.

c) Publicly use any American Red Cross affiliation in connection with the promotion of partisan politics, religious matters, or positions on any issue not in conformity with the official position of the American Red Cross.

d) Disclose or use any confidential American Red Cross information that is available solely as a result of the volunteer's or employee’s affiliation with the American Red Cross to any person not authorized to receive such information or use to the disadvantage of the American Red Cross any such confidential information, without the express authorization of the American Red Cross.

e) Knowingly take any action or make any statement intended to influence the conduct of the American Red Cross in such a way as to confer any financial benefit on any person, corporation, or entity in which the individual has a significant interest or affiliation.

f) Operate or act in any manner contrary to the best interests of the American Red Cross.

g) Operate or act in a manner that creates a conflict with the interests of the American Red Cross and any organization in which the individual has a personal, business, or financial interest. The individual shall disclose such conflict of interest to the American Red Cross chair of the appropriate governing board, the appropriate Chief Executive Officer, or the General Counsel, as applicable, upon becoming aware of it. Where required, the individual shall absent himself or herself during deliberations, and shall refrain from participating in any decisions or voting in connection with the matter.

Confidential Information and Intellectual Property

Red Cross has sole entitlement and copyrights to any intellectual property that is conceived or developed by volunteers, employees and its agents during the course of service to the American Red Cross. All registered volunteers and employees are required to sign a Confidential Information and Intellectual Property Agreement as a condition of volunteer involvement as required in the Board of Governors Manual.

Intellectual property includes inventions, discoveries, and original works of authorship as defined by U.S. patent, trademark, and copyright law. Questions about this policy should be directed to the Department of Human Resources and Volunteers.

Harassment Free Workplace

The Central Maryland Chapter is committed to a work environment free from unlawful harassment in which everyone is treated with respect and dignity while working, while on Central Maryland Chapter premises, while traveling on Central Maryland Chapter business, or at Central Maryland Chapter social functions. The Central Maryland Chapter has zero tolerance for unlawful harassment.

Unlawful harassment is defined as harassment based on any characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local law including race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, veteran or disability status, which is sufficiently severe or pervasive as to alter the working conditions of a volunteer or employee. Examples of conduct prohibited by this policy include, but are not limited to:

1) Verbal or physical conduct that harasses a volunteer on the basis of a category protected by applicable federal, state or local law and that is sufficiently severe or pervasive as to create an intimidating, threatening, offensive or hostile environment.

2) Sexual displays or publications, or other verbal or physical conduct, where a volunteer is told either explicitly or implicitly that he or she must submit to the conduct to remain involved as a volunteer or where his or her reaction to the conduct is used as a basis for a management decision, such as evaluation, advancement, assigned duties, disciplinary action, or any other condition of volunteer involvement or career development. Examples of prohibited verbal or physical conduct include:

• Unwelcome sexual advances;

• Stalking, dating violence, date rape, or sexual assault;

• Persisting with romantic advances despite the rejection of the advances;

• Requests for sexual favors, whether or not accompanied by promises or threats with regard to the employment or volunteer relationship;

• Sexual jokes and innuendo; verbal abuse of a sexual nature; comments about an individual's body, sexual prowess, sexual activity, or sexual attractiveness;

• Leering, whistling, or touching; insulting or obscene comments, sounds, or gestures; displays of sexually suggestive objects, cartoons or pictures.

3) Words, actions or visual matter that demean or show hostility toward an individual or group because of any characteristic protected by applicable federal, state or local law.

Volunteers are responsible for reporting any concerns regarding unlawful harassment to management pursuant to the Dispute Resolution Policy

Violence-Free Work Environment

The Central Maryland Chapter promotes a safe work environment for all volunteers and does not tolerate any type of violent behavior committed by or against volunteers. All volunteers are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and in accordance with the Code of Conduct.

Threatening or violent behavior committed by anyone against volunteers, employees, vendors or clients during work or off-duty hours will not be tolerated. Such behavior may include but is not limited to the following:

  1. Physical injury to another person;
  2. Threats;
  3. Behavior that creates a reasonable fear of injury in another person;
  4. Intentionally causing damage to Red Cross property or property of another volunteer or employee;
  5. Possession of weapons (for example, guns, knives, clubs, explosive devices, etc.) on Central Maryland Chapter property or while at Central Maryland Chapter sponsored-activities; or
  6. Committing acts motivated by, or related to, sexual harassment or
    domestic violence.

Statements or gestures which in any way suggest that the volunteer may engage in violent conduct will be taken seriously by management and responded to appropriately.

Volunteers have a responsibility to report any potentially dangerous situations or unauthorized individuals on Central Maryland Chapter premises to management immediately. Reports of statements or behavior which may violate this policy will be investigated promptly and in as confidential a manner as possible. A volunteer suspected of violent behavior may be placed on leave during an investigation until a course of action is determined.

Incidents involving violent behavior by a volunteer may warrant removal of the individual from the workplace until further evaluation determines his or her suitability for return to the workplace. An evaluation that finds a volunteer suitable to return to the workplace does not negate further disciplinary action, up to and including separation.

Dispute Resolution

Central Maryland Chapter is committed to a work environment where all persons are treated with respect and dignity. The Central Maryland Chapter has therefore adopted the Dispute Resolution Policy to establish a comprehensive method of resolving volunteer concerns that builds trust and produces prompt and fair resolutions. The Dispute Resolution Policy may be used to resolve issues regarding any condition of volunteer involvement or the application, meaning, or interpretation of any volunteer resource policy or procedure that affects the work activity of a volunteer.

Volunteers are strongly encouraged to follow the steps listed below to discuss any concerns with their supervisor.

Step One

The volunteer should promptly report a concern to his or her supervisor, who will investigate the matter and take appropriate action. Any supervisor who receives a concern alleging a violation of the Harassment Free policy will notify the Department of Human Resources and Volunteers immediately.

If the concern the volunteer is having involves his or her supervisor, the volunteer should report his or her concern to the next level of management who will review the situation.

Step Two

If the problem is not resolved in Step One, the volunteer is encouraged to seek assistance from the Director of Human Resources and Volunteers. In an effort to resolve the problem, the Director of Human Resources and Volunteers will consider the facts, conduct an investigation, review the findings and recommendations, and respond back to the volunteer. The Director of Human Resources and Volunteers may ask the volunteer to put the concern in writing and provide appropriate documentation.

Step Three

If a volunteer is not satisfied with the decision of the Director of Human Resources and Volunteers, he or she may prepare a written summary of the concerns and request that the matter be reviewed by the Central Maryland Chapter’s Executive Director. In these instances the decision of the Executive Director is final.

No volunteer will be retaliated against for acting in good faith to report a potential issue or for assisting in the investigation of a possible issue.

Progressive Discipline

The Central Maryland Chapter has adopted rules and standards to ensure productive, harmonious operations. The best interest of the Central Maryland Chapter lies in ensuring fair treatment of all volunteers and in making certain that discipline is prompt, fair and uniform.

The Central Maryland Chapter endorses a philosophy of progressive discipline in which it attempts to provide volunteers with notice of deficiencies and an opportunity to improve whenever practical or reasonable. Volunteers’ performance and conduct is evaluated on an ongoing basis, with feedback provided when necessary. Informal discussions may be used to ensure that volunteers know and follow rules and standards. These discussions should focus on clarifying expectations, providing appropriate training and development and coaching.

In some cases, formal disciplinary action may be deemed appropriate. Progressive discipline steps may include, but are not limited to, oral warnings, written warnings, final written warnings or suspension and discharge from service. The Central Maryland Chapter retains the right to administer discipline in any manner it deems suitable and any of the steps listed above may be skipped. Separation from service may occur at any time without any progressive discipline steps having been taken.

Red Cross Communication Systems

All communication systems are Central Maryland Chapter property and are to be used for business purposes. Because these communication systems are provided for business purposes, volunteers should have no expectation of privacy regarding their personal use of any Central Maryland Chapter communication systems, and their communications and systems use may be audited by authorized management at any time without notice. Central Maryland Chapter communication systems include, but are not limited to: email, telephone, Internet, fax, voicemail, bulletin boards, and interoffice mail.

Volunteers are to use proper discretion in the amount and length of non-business use of Red Cross communication systems.

Volunteers must be mindful that their association with the Central Maryland Chapter and the Red Cross will be visible to any recipient of an electronic communication, and assure that their communications are consistent with the mission and accepted community standards.

Prohibited uses of Central Maryland Chapter communication systems include, but are not limited to:

1) Developing, accessing or distributing material which:

  • harasses or disparages others, or contains ethnic or racial stereotypes, epithets or slurs;
  • contains pornography, profanity, violent or sexually explicit images, messages, or cartoons;
  • solicits for commercial ventures or outside organizations;
  • advocates positions not officially endorsed by the Red Cross
  • violates any applicable law

2) Personal mass email distribution (“spamming”), unauthorized computer access (“hacking”), obtaining pirated software, or violating copyright protections.

3) Distributing sensitive, proprietary, confidential, or private information of the Central Maryland Chapter and/or the Red Cross without appropriate authorization.

4) Obtaining unauthorized access to another volunteer’s or employee’s communication systems, or sending unauthorized communications under another colleague’s name.

Central Maryland Chapter communication systems may not be used in situations that violate Federal,State or Local Law. Inappropriate use of any Central Maryland Chapter communication systems may result in disciplinary action, up to and including separation.

Non-Solicitation/Distribution of Literature

Approaching fellow volunteers or employees in the workplace regarding personal activities, organizations or causes, regardless of how worthwhile, important or benevolent, can create unnecessary apprehension and pressures for fellow colleagues.

In the interest of maintaining a proper business environment and preventing interference with work and inconvenience to others, volunteers may not distribute literature or printed materials of any kind, sell merchandise, solicit financial contributions, or solicit for any other cause in the workplace during working time. The workplace includes Central Maryland Chapter buildings, parking lots and driveway areas and work areas in which Central Maryland Chapter work is regularly performed. This policy also prohibits solicitations via the Central Maryland Chapter email or other telephonic communication systems. Furthermore volunteers may not distribute literature or printed material of any kind in work areas at any time.

Solicitation or distribution by non-staff is prohibited on any Central Maryland Chapter property, including buildings and surrounding parking, patio, and driveway areas. Any requests from outside persons or organizations to sell merchandise, solicit contributions, distribute literature, arrange displays or utilize Central Maryland Chapter facilities are to be referred to the Department of Human Resources and Volunteers.

Drugs and Alcohol

The Red Cross maintains a workplace that is free from the effects of drug and alcohol abuse. The Red Cross will not tolerate any abuse of drugs or alcohol that imperils the health or well being of its staff or the customers it serves, threatens its operation, or compromises the safety of its products and services.

The Red Cross reserves the right to establish drug and alcohol search and screening procedures consistent with applicable laws, as deemed necessary. Implementation of search or screening procedures will be established only with the joint and prior approval of the Executive Director.

While on Red Cross property or while performing Red Cross business off premises, volunteers are prohibited from unlawful possession, use, manufacture, distribution, sale or dispensation of illegal drugs or alcohol. Such conduct is also prohibited during nonworking time to the extent that it violates laws, negatively affects Red Cross activities, or adversely affects the reputation of the American Red Cross.

Volunteers who use legally prescribed drugs during work, and have any reason to expect that such use may affect their ability to perform work, must report this fact to the Department of Human Resources and Volunteers.

Representing Red Cross

Prior to any action or statement, which might significantly affect or obligate the Central Maryland Chapter, volunteers should seek prior consultation and approval from their supervisor. These actions may include but are not limited to: public statements to the press, collaboration or joint initiatives, or any agreements involving contractual or other financial obligations. Volunteers are authorized to act as representatives of the organization as specifically indicated within their position/job descriptions and only to the extent of such written specifications.

Media Inquiries

The American public relies on the American Red Cross as a symbol of trust and as a powerful voice in providing lifesaving information. Red Cross volunteers are active ambassadors of the American Red Cross. If approached by a member of the media regarding Red Cross issues, volunteers should refer the question to their supervisor or to the Public Relations Department at 410-624-2081.

Dress Code

Appropriately dressed volunteers add to the overall credibility of the Red Cross and display a sense of confidence to the American Public. Volunteers should check with their supervisor for specific dress that is appropriate to the service to which they are assigned.

Contact Information

Department of Human Resources and Volunteers Staff

Bobbie Jones
Director of Human Resources and Volunteers

Donna Bauer
Human Resource Generalist

Pam Tice
Volunteer Coordinator

Carolyn Thompson
Volunteer Specialist

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